Thursday, February 5, 2009

Prez OBAMA's restrictions on WALL STREET - are a JOKE!!!

More granstanding for this 'JOKER' of a President 'wannabe'. The $500,000.00 ceiling on pay technically only applies to 'new' WALL STREET FIRMS taking government monies - not firms like JP MORGAN or GOLDMAN-SUCKS where many of Prez OBAMA's(or is that 'PEZ' OBAMA the suckah???!!!) cabinet picks and advisors came from???[ie tax cheat, liar, fraudster TIM GEITHNER, LEON PANETTA who got over $700,ooo.00 from 'bad banks', Madame HILLARY of "...asbestos pants-suits" 'donations' from NY firms/banks. and others!!!] Further firms like GOLDMAN-SUCKS the 'MOB' brokerage house just have to give back the original TARP FUNDS to disentangle themselves from this farce designed to 'play' to class envy and the rise of 'Moody' MARXISM under commiesir President OBAMA???!!!

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