Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today Governor DEMBHOLE JENNIFER'ise-a-canadienne-retred-cunt' GRANHOLM blithely ignored all the 'problems' in her state of MICHIGAN on FOXNewsSunday and reinforced that her state would prostrate itself for all the STIMULUS help they could use. THAT AND GIVE BLOW-JOBS OR LET THE UNIONS FOOK HER UP THE ASS FOR THEIR CONTINUED VOTING SUPPORT!!! What Governor GRANHOLM conveniently forgot to state is why besides her abysmal eeckonomik practices/taxes she+DEMBHOLES in her state pushed MICHIGAN into bankruptcy, is why 47% of the people in her city of DETROIT can't read. DO YOU THINK THAT IS PART OF MICHIGAN'S WOES YOU DEMBHOLE DIPSHIT EXCUSE FOR A GOVERNOR???

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