Wednesday, February 18, 2009

OBAMA's program for forcelosures...

Some amazing 'SPIN' going on here in PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA'S so-called plan to prevent foreclosures - which it won't and can't!!! . Yes, $75BILLION DOLLARS sounds like a lotta money. Until you realize we have 9MILLION homes in 'foreclosure' or about to be. Most of them should have never got legitimate loans in the first place. SO NOW DIVIDE THE 9M HOMES INTO $75B and presto you get $8000+ FOR EVERY MORTGAGE HOLDER!!! Not very much help is it??? WAKE-UP PEOPLE THIS IS NOT TO HELP HARD-WORKING PEOPLE - IT IS TO SUBSIDIZE SUB-STANDARD MORTGAGE HOLDERS 'SKATE' THROUGH THE MESS THE GOVERNMENT CAUSED BY GIVING THEM LOANS THEY DIDN'T QUALIFY FOR AT THE OUTSET!!! Another PREZ OBAMA PLAN - doomed to failure because it only benefits, slightly if at all, the very lowest of our society. DID THIS GUY REALLY GO TO HARVARD OR DID HE TAKE 'EXTENSION COURSES' BECAUSE HE KNOWS NOTHING AFTER ONLY 30 DAYS. More like the 'visions' of some of the DOOBIE SMOKIN FOOKN NUTTERS who used to hang-out in HARVARD or CENTRAL SQUARE!!!

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