Wednesday, February 25, 2009

PREZ OBAMA's address to CONGRESS devoid of fact or substantive plans for CHANGE!!!

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA addressed the CONGRESS last night and gave a thumping 'campaign' speech devoid of any exact solutions. Oh yes comik-fart comic joke VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hair-transplant-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-his-bunghole'BIDEN was named 'SUPERVISOR-of-STIMULUS-SHIT-MONIES!!! NOW DON'T WE ALL FEEL BETTER THAT WE'VE HAD A 'GOOD FART' TO SUPERVISE US ALL??? Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha. OBAMA wants parents to supervise their children, to cure 'cancer' in our lifetimes, and told us while more monies on DEMBHOLE STIMULUS-SHIT-PORK-ROLL PROJECTS will increase - OBAMA 'our savior' will magically reduce the budget deficit. NO FACTS OR PROPOSALS FOR ANY OF THESE WAS ON THE TELEPROPMPTER SO OUR IMMACULATE BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st COULD NOT READ THEM EVEN THOUGH HE WENT TO IVEY LEAGUE SCHOOLS!!! OBAMA wants us to "...get all of us back to our core values" and for all of us " prepared to sacrifice". THAT IS ALL OF US EXCEPT THE CRAVEN/THIEVING/PRIVILIEGED CLASS OF CONGRESSIONAL SENATURDS/REPREHENSIBLES - who increase their pay-offs/influence/fraud and the TAXPAYER'S SUFFERING with every stoopid STIMULUS SHIT PORK ROLL they can cram into this ridiculous spending spree on our dime!!!

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