Saturday, February 21, 2009

The insipidness of the POETRY PIMPS at the NYTIMES today 2/21...

Today, Saturday, Feb. 21-2009 in the reign of BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st; the terribly mediocre poet DAVID ORR attempts to justify why we should read the asanine/contrived/doltish work of the 'FRAUD' JOHN ASSBURIED!!! ORR does not specify that because ASSBURIED was a homosexual/GAY/faggot or whatever of the intelectual/academic class - his POETRY even though it was largely indecipherable was fawned over by suck-ups such as ORR and the not-so-important anymore NYer and APR juntas. ASSBURIED never had any talent and this written paen -glorifying this buttfook poet ASSBURIED is the height of sycophantism - or maybe you could just fellate him or fook his asshole MR. ORR[alive or dead -probably makes no difference to him or the likes of you] - as long as you 'save'/engender/reserve a spot to get another salacious review or placing of your middling poetry in the NYSlimes!!! DAVID ORR writes laudingly over ASSBURIED to wit "What we should be doing is asking why a poet as gifted as Ashbery has written so many poems that are boring or repetitive (or both), because such questions will allow us to better understand the poems he has written that are moving and funny and beautiful." THE POINT IS ORR YOU COMPLETE SUCK-UP IS WHY WE HAVE NOT LABELED ASSBURIED FOR THE COMPLETE FRAUD HE IS AND HAS BEEN??? HE IS THE 'EMPEROR' WITHOUT CLOTHES - EMBRACED BY HACKS LIKE YOU!!! It is not a matter of subjective 'taste' - ASSBURIED's poem about ice cream cones and other ridiculous notions/twaddle is one of the worst poems ever published in the toady NYer - catering to POETIC HACKS + MIDDLING WRITER/WANKERS such as you have proved with this fawning pre-eulogy!!! Or as they said in 'Heart-of-Darkness':"Mr. KURTZ - he dead yet?!" In truth ASSBURIED was never ever alive.

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