Saturday, February 28, 2009

'the OBAMA' doublespeak translator...

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA states that the UNITED STATES military will wthdraw from IRAQ and cease combat operations by August 31, 2010. But -BUTT - the UNITED STATES will leave 50,000 troops there - do you really think 50,000 men+women with weapons will not engage in combat operations???
PREZ BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st states that 95% of TAXPAYERS will receive a TAX CUT of $13DOLLARS-A-WEEK starting this APRIL. But - BUTT - this 'TAX CUT' is actually a TAX CREDIT and will be billed to us on next year's income tax in a lump sum - not weekly!!!
PREZ BARRY'incurably-fraudulent'OBAMA states that with an increase of $3TRILLION DOLLARS that he claims isn't PORK STIMULUS SHIT - 'the OBAMA' will cut the deficit by 50%!!! 'the OBAMA' will also walk on the waters before JEFFERSON's monument while 'SHARING-the-WEALTH' others have generated
with the 'minorities'+feckless MARXIST IDIOTS that are his political base along with 'guilty' WHITE DEMBHOLES embracing this BLACK FRAUD although he went to COLUMBIA+HARVARD!!!

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