Friday, February 20, 2009

for BLACK HISTORY month...

I was all over this white guy - once

Yeah we was both shufflin' and busin'
Tables down this casino restaurant in Vegas
Ya know hustlin' for tokes and tips
Cleanin' all the stuff the waiters told us
Cuz that's where the real money is
Waitin' on those rich players
Ya know all servers make beaucoup bucks
Don’t have to do all de grunt work
And one time I was rappin'
Wid dis fine bunch of Chicano chics
And dis waiter the Jew from New Yowk
Says I was makin' fun of him or
Sumthin' and not to do it again
Cuz he tells me he was in da movies
Once in some film about Jews and Nazis
And I rented it and sure enough
There he was on this street where
Dis old bald guy was runnin' and
They all recognized him as a killer
Who took their diamonds and stuff
Naw I don't have nothin' gainst Jews
My pops was a butcher for this guy
At a whad’ja call a kosher butcher and he learned him
Real good enough to put my two brothas
And a sistah through college
Got nothin bad to say about em'
And I go to junior college now cuz
My grades ain't too good though I can
Wrassle in fact I won a coupla' championships
Ain't big enough to dunk on dat ring
Or tall enough to jump like a rocket
Playin' b-ball wid otha' long tall bros
So I wrassle and I was walkin' down
To the lunchroom cuz when ya works
Eight hours they gots to feed ya
So mostly they only let ya work six
Was checking out dose keino girls
Dressed in their little skirts and heels
Booty almost showing through spandex
And I am with this white guy
This older dude he about 35-40 sumthin'
Like that and I tell him I can wrassle
And he says he used too and right then
Dunno' but we squared off
And sonofabitch he sweeps my leg
Real quick like and he is behind me
And finally I throws him down with me on top
On that shiny hard linoleum floor
And I go to put him in a hold
Right then a manager cums up
And pulls us apart axsking
What is going on to the older white dude
So he says nothin' jus' foolin' around
And he tells us both to beat it---

So the next day I find out -
That he made the white guy a waiter.

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