Sunday, March 30, 2008

It is time to write/speak of race...

posted on MoontownCafe 3-29-2008

It is time to write/speak of race since the ‘slipshod’ manner that SENATOR BARAK OBAMA attempted to mollify his ‘BLACK’ supporters and assuage his WHITE fans while throwing his “…typical WHITE” grandmother under the speeding bus filled with empty platitudes of hope, union, and faith.

This essais will deal with how BLACKS, WHITES, HISPANICS, and yes even GIRLS/WOMEN navigate the churning waters of writing/poetry.[As far as other minorities or ‘special groups’ viz – GAYS, LESBIANS, TRANSGENDERS, CHINESE, EUROS, INDIANS, PAKHISTANNIS, IRAQUIS, IRANIS, JEWS, MOSLEMS, SUFIS, CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS, BOYS/MEN, ATHEISTS or any others who assume/think they have been discriminated against – please feel free to read and apply the necessary paradigms to you.]

This ‘essais’(from the French=attempt) is partly resulting from my own ongoing ‘animus’ as to the appointment of PATRICIA SMITH as a so-called ‘judge’ at the IBPC.[Needless to recount the entire ‘tale’ SMITH was a BLACK writer for the BOSTON GLOBE who was fired for plagiarism/fraud and had used her ‘influence’ to win several national SLAM CONTESTS in Chicago while ‘appropriating’ others words/ideas to play along with her obvious BLACKNESS and female PERSONNA to secure these ‘so-called’ SLAMSTER/or-hamster titles. I, among others, reported her wholesale theft of work to the GLOBE and her use of writing reviews of her desultory talents to print them in other correspondent’s/writer’s columns in the GLOBE. SMITH was ‘unable’ to win slam/hamster contests in PROVIDENCE, BOSTON –until she and her troupe was able to perfect methods of ‘rigging’ these contests-which was not difficult or particularly ingenious. The facts are these – in the ‘contests’ in PROVIDENCE – SMITH did not win and was beaten several times – once by myself and various others.] ANYWAY – SMITH has become an ‘issue’ once again as the IBPC have named her a so-called judge of whatever ‘contests’ or criteria they use to evaluate talent.

The IBPC can do whatever they wish. As far as ‘labeling’ SMITH perhaps “…the best SLAM/hamster winner ever” – that is indeed up to them. But to ‘trumpet/extol’ SMITH as a fine poet – is complete bullshit. What you are witnessing/reading is POLITICAL-CORRECTNESS run amuck as poor SMITH was obviously ‘picked-upon’ because she was BLACK or maybe because she was a WOMAN. Or maybe because everyone steals/uses others words so what’s the big deal???

Let us look at the case for MAYA ANGELOU. ANGELOU came to prominence with the publication of ‘I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS’ and other works. Ms. ANGELOU ‘invented’ her own history – creating tales of a ‘cable-car-conductor’ in SAN FRANCISCO and a madam/call-girl at a brothel. Needless to say Ms. ANGELOU’s words/talents went over very well in the CLINTON Administration – enough so that ANGELOU did a poem at one of CLINTON’s inaugurations.

First – I am not a ‘fan’ of Ms. ANGELOU’s. Her writing, as well as SMITH’S – is both maudlin/mediocre. You as the reader are ‘free’/unencumbered to like/luv/rave about both these BLACK FEMALE writers.

Fine, you are probably saying/thinking to yourselves – this ZYSKANDAR just doesn’t like is prejudiced against BLACK writers!

Far from the case. In point of fact I enjoy writers/poets who have something to say and – get this who - DO IT WELL![Having met, honoured and interviewed SAMUEL ALLEN – a fine talented BLACK writer and ‘gentleman’ who wrote under the pseudoname of DENMARK VESCEY among others – I am ‘amazed’ that so many of his fine poetic works are not as well-known appreciated as his contemporaries such as LANGSTON HUGHES ‘the bard of HARLEM’ and others.]

Too many times are writers extolled/lauded because of their race or gender. Yes this includes WHITES too.( It is not such a long-time since the name of ADRIENNE RICH was on everyone’s lips/reading-lists as a heroine of LESBIAN/FEMALEGENDER poetry. Now she is barely thought of or mentioned. The same can be said of SYLVIA PLATH – and the ‘hatred’ directed at her husband TED HUGHES – a fine poet and POET LAUREATE of ENGLAND.)

How many WHITES ‘feel’ that they have to prove their righteousness/equanimity by lauding BLACKS no matter how pitiful their abilities or writing skills??? [How many WHITES must ‘prove’ their tolerance/acceptance by beating-their-chests or announcing how ‘guilty they feel for acts committed by people long dead and gone??? WHITE ‘guilt’ has no bounds on its generational components and crosses all political classes and divides. And if WHITES are to feel guilt – have any BLACKS ever come forward and said/told/written/thanked those WHITES that fought a war not for profit but the freedom of BLACK slaves against other WHITES known as ‘THE WAR OF THE SOUTHERN STATES SECESSION’ or more commonly the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR??? But this is beside the point.

How many BLACKS ‘feel’ they must champion the writing/thoughts of other BLACKS merely to ‘show’ solidarity with their fellows??? No matter about quality or ability – “We must support our own ‘race’ in this way.” [I enjoy the work of DEREK ‘Deke’ WALCOTT at times – and yet with his ‘classical style’ I prefer the works of KEATS, SHELLY rather than the BLACK Carribean WALCOTT. IS THIS AN EXAMPLE OF MY ‘BIGOTRY’ or merely the matter that I can discern/choose of what to like and when??? By the way I thought WALCOTT’s book of poems believe it was called ‘HOMEROS’(an attempt to equate the life of CARIBBEAN ‘fishermen’ to the ‘heroes’ in the ILIAD) was an abject failure/and a bore.]

Do BLACKS know how to relate too other BLACKS in some special way like the secret ‘hand-shakes’ at the ‘SKULL&BONES CLUB’ at YALE??? Or is this communal thing a ‘racial trait/prerequisite’ only available to others of the same race???

And don’t get me started on the GAYS, LESBIANS, JEWS, HISPANIC writers, artists etc.

Are we only able to communicate with those like us – or those that supposedly share our histories???

Or do we ‘feel’ more comfortable in our own prejudices/bigotries???

And anyone who does not ‘agree’ with us for any reason can be labeled a ‘bigot’ or just plain stupid???

Most poetry or writing for that matter is ‘rated’/judged on whether its POLITICAL CONTENT agrees with the reader’s/or reviewer’s preconceived notions. Meaning if we all despise NATIONAL SOCIALISM=NAZIS what it did to the world and GERMANY in particular – could/would anyone give a ‘fair’ review to someone who extolled/championed those NAZIS in poems/writings???

Or ‘lawdy-forbid’ some Neanderthal male steps outside of the box and exhibits his insensitivity and complete maleness. Ostracism and disgrace have replaced testicular sacrifice. Or maybe all three!!!(On present day college campuses ‘re-education’ courts are standard fare to keep these testosterone laden ‘savages’ in line!!!) And they say ‘communism’ ended with the Fall-of-the-Berlin Wall. Ha!

What of the ‘segregation’ of BLACKS, GAYS and others on college campuses??? Self-selected separation/isolation I might add. Was PLESSY v. FERGUSON; the overturning of the ruling of ‘separate-but-equal’ and BROWN v. BOARD-of-EDUCATION just blips on our legal justice system??? Are members of only the same ‘races’, classes, sexual choices allowed the supposed ‘freedom’ to isolate/associate with whom they like/gravitate toward???

And what of girls/women who cavalierly upbraid males for any supposed slight as to their writing/linguistic abilities???

Can we trust any reviewer/reader who is not similar to that of the writer/creator of the work??? If we are not BLACK, or LESBIAN/GAY, or FEMALE, or HISPANIC, or other minority constituent – do we not have a right or is our opinion subjected to additional scrutiny if we are not a ‘member’ of the writer’s individual subset???

In the most ‘subjective’ of all art forms POETRY – I have often stated that POETRY IS A BLOOD-SPORT. More bruising, more violent, more capable of hurting us – than any LaCROSSE, HOCKEY, or FOOTBALL game.

The ‘easiest/simplest’ way to diminish any group – is to classify them while pretending to honour them!!! Example – GARY SOTO is a fine example of an HISPANIC writer. Or YOSEF KUMINYAKA is a fine example of a BLACK writer. Or MAXINE KUMIN is a fine example of a FEMINIST/WOMAN writer. SEE HOW EASY IT WAS. By pretending to single them out – we have ‘diminished’ them in the same breath.

Yes this has gone on too long in the mostly WHITE MALE dominated pursuits of poetry/writing.

And no I do not have answers as to how to make everyone equal and all hold hand and sing ‘kum-ba-ya’ together.

And I do know that extolling/lauding others because they look like us, or some other ridiculous genotype/phenotype affiliation produces only mediocrity in a medium that should be dynamic and enervating. I do know that extolling/lauding others because ‘the group’ will hopefully agree with our selections is both asinine, idiotic, and counter-productivity to allowing ‘true-art’ to flourish.

With the internet and on sites such as this one – we have been given a great opportunity to not only post/record poetry/writing/thoughts that are available to everyone.

Writing should be beyond just ‘liking’ a poet’s writings because he/she shares racial or religious or ‘political’ feelings the same as you do.

POETRY should be something more. POETRY should at times take us to that indefinable ‘other’. That ‘other’ which brings us back again and again to tease our minds and our senses.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Has BITCH HILLARY ever told the truth about anything???

With her latest 'LIE' about what did not happen exposed by videotape from her KOSOVO trip in 1996 - has BITCH HILLASY ever told the truth about anything??? EXAMPLE - BITCH HILLARY 'LIED' about being named after SIR EDMUND HILARY conqueror of EVEREST!!! EXAMPLE - BITCH HILLARY 'LIED' about her cattle futures options' play which was actually a bribe from TYSON FOODS!!! EXAMPLE - BITCH HILLARY 'LIED' when she stated she knew nothing of DICKHEAD's affairs with 'FATTY' MONICA or any other 'BIMBETTES' and claims no knowledge of the ongoing affair with BELINDA STRONACH!!! EXAMPLE - BITCH HILLARY 'LIED' to the court when records from the 'ROSE LAW FIRM' amazingly appeared in the WHITE HOUSE residence only after the 'staute of limitations' had expired!!! EXAMPLE - BITCH HILLARY 'LIED' about where CHELSEA was on 9/11 - as if she in some kind of 'danger'!!! IS THERE ANYTHING BITCH HILLARY WILL NOT LIE ABOUT??? A great trait for our FIRST FEMALE FASCIST DICTATOR - A PROVEN LIAR!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

BITCH HILLARY gets 'caught' in yet another 'LIE'!!!

BITCH HILLARY distinctly remembers how she 'survived' dangerous diplomatic missions when she was 'FIRST CUNT for her pretend-husband DICKHEAD'!!! EXCEPT ALL HER 'MEMORIES' NEVER HAPPENED!!! Perhaps her alleged non-knowledge of 'cigar-sex'&blowjobs with DICKHEAD and 'FATTY' MONICA AND OTHER 'BIMBETTES' was inaccurate/made-up as her purported 'DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS'??? DOES THIS MEAN SHE KNOWS ABOUT THE ONGOING SORDIDNESS WITH DICKHEAD & BELINDA STRONACH AND PERHAPS OTHERS??? This BITCH HILLARY has always been a fraud and a liar - how can even DUMB-ASININE-DEMBHOLES vote for this creature - let alone give her donations[besides CHINESE DISH-WASHERS and TWO-YEAR OLDS]to help with her dismantling of AMERICA??? BITCH HILLARY not as smart not as good-looking not as articulate as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' not as good a liar either but then again "...asbestos pants-suits" sure hide a lot of 'UGLINESS/CORRUPTION/OUTRIGHT LIES-FABRICATIONS' for a 'cunt' who is just a 'BITCH' for a worthless DICKHEAD???!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

One of the great 'movie-lines' of all time...

One of my favorite movie-lines happens/occurs again tonight in the film 'THE TEN COMMANDMENTS'. It is spoken/recited by 'DATHAN - the evil overseer' played by EDWARD G. ROBINSON[the Brooklyn-tough-guy EDDIE G. spoke/communicated with NATALIE WOOD at parties in RUSSIAN - both their 'native' languages] Well anyway in his best Brooklynese-touch-guy accent EDDIE G. proclaims to the assembled huddled ancient Jews:"Yeah -- so would'ya think of your Messiah now?" Gets me laughing everytime. Hope you all enjoy a HAPPY EASTER.[SIGMUND FREUD wrote an interesting/controversial paper dealing with i believe it was titled 'ON MOSES AND MONOTHEISM' only a couple of pages as i remember for more info on CHUCK HESTON as MOSES or YUL B. as RAMESEES and the incredible cast of this picture that included CEDRIC HARDWICKE, YVONNE DeCARLO[before LILY MUNSTER fame], JOHN DEREK[before he married BO], VINCENT PRICE, DEBRA PAGET, FRANK De CORDOVA[before he was one of the chiefs on F-TROOP], HENRY WILCOXON[the 'great' silent film movie star] and assorted other stars. [And of course there was JOHN CARRADINE - lead in so many 'horror' flicks and appearing in 'THE PRISONER OF SHARK ISLAND, and in the 'classic' CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS and as 'Colonel Lucius Starbuck' in 'THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALENCE' and the father of 'Mr. Kung Fu' DAVID CARRADINE - JOHN CARRADINE who played MOSES' brother AARON!]

Friday, March 21, 2008

HILLARY appointment lists released - all 'redacted'/blackened-out!!!

BITCH HILLARY's appointment lists were released yesterday - except they were 'redacted'/blackened-out by who else her pretend-husband DICKHEAD to ensure 'nothing' controversial made its way into the official record!!! FOR EXAMPLE - JOHNNY CHUNG who visited 'CLINTON INC.' 49 times at the WHITE HOUSE with 'handsfull/armloads' of cash for both BITCH HILLARY & DICKHEAD from CHINESE ARMY 'INTELLIGENCE' was amazingly 'REDACTED'/BLACKED-OUT on orders from DICKHEAD!!! WHICH MEANS ACCORDING TO BITCH HILLARY's & DICKHEAD's view of history - why it never happened???!!! Ah the 'scummy' CLINTON legacy - forcing us to prove they are both SHITHEADS and TURDS of the first order!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

OBAMA - you are so wrong!!!

BARACK OBAMA made his latest 'appeal' to DEMBHOLES why he should be the DEMBHOLE candidate for PRESIDENT today in a speech televised/broadcast from PHILADELPHIA; today Tuesday March 18, 2008. In his NEO-SOCIALIST 'schiess-spiel' OBAMA pretended that WHITE AMERICA was the fault for our racial divide in this country - and that his former reverend and still advisor PASTOR WRIGHT - was somehow justified in his race baiting/hatred of AMERICA!!! OBAMA also gave his customary 'very good speech' reading/reciting from a teleprompter. OBAMA is only a 'marginal' attorney - a descent DEMBHOLE politician 'playing' to DEMBHOLE DUMMIES and their ilk - and would probably make a descent preacher - ending his speeches with parables on every occassion he gets. UNFORTUNATELY - OBAMA has shown his ignuramce of economics as he whined during this speech that 'companies' should not have as their first goals making money???!!! AND as far as 'blaming' WHITES for the condition of BLACKS in society for all their problems - GET REAL!!! THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A 'THANK YOU' OR APPRECIATION FOR THE MOSTLY WHITE NORTHERN STATES ENGAGING IN THE 'CIVIL WAR' WITH MOSTLY WHITE SOUTHERN STATES TO OBTAIN BLACKS FREEDOM...WHY NOT??? LET THE HEALING BEGIN OVER RACIAL PROBLEMS WITH THE BLACKS THANKING WHITES FOR FIGHTING A BRUTAL 'CIVIL WAR' NOT FOR PROFIT - BUT TO FREE BLACK SLAVES!!! Also OBAMA has stated in his speech that BLACKS have been ill-used/ill-treated as regards their educations. Well for a long while these public 'schools' have been supervised/run by DEMBHOLE 'systems' managed by DEMBHOLE TEACHER'S UNIONS!!! Why is that??? Whose fault is that??? And OBAMA blamed conservative 'talk-shows' for WHITE racism in this country. OBAMA was 'playing' to his core of BLACK constituents and hoping to 'enlist' WHITE DEMBHOLES - to his cause. THIS 'SPEECH' WAS A POOR EXCUSE AND ATTEMPT TO PLACE THE AGENDA OF RACE OFF THE TABLE IN THE COMING PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS. With OBAMA there is no audacity for hope - only more SOCIALIST BULL-SHIT FROM A MASTER BULLSHITTER TRAINED AT HARVARD AND MADE 'SLICK' THROUGH THE 'DEALINGS' OF CHICAGO DEMBHOLE POLITICS AMID THE LIKES OF CRETINS SUCH AS TONY REZKO AND AMERICA+RACE HATERS SUCH ASPASTOR WRIGHT!!!

restaurant review: IZZIBAN SUSHI, ORLANDO, Fl.

IZZIBAN SUSHI, 1700 West Sandlake Rd.(corner of Sandlake at South Orange Blossom Trail) Suite D124, ORLANDO, Fl. 32809 tel:407-850-5088,
IZZIBAN has been consistantly 'wonderful' in the couple of times we've dined there. The meals have been attractive to the eye and exquisite in taste. Of all the new plethora of SUSHI restaurants in and around Orlando - IZZIBAN SUSHI has been our new favorite SUSHI place. IZZIBAN has a full bar and the 'bento'(boxed lunch) is a nice touch. TRY IT YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! RATING:***** out of five...

Monday, March 17, 2008

I was watching the HBO series about JOHN ADAMS last night - and I was sickened by...

comparing those men/women with all their faults(i.e. JOHN HANCOCK being a smuggler, JOHN ADAMS played by BART GIAMMETI'S son PAUL as a little obnoxious prick, LAURA LINNEY cast in the role of ABIGAIL ADAMS buddinsky/know-it-all and pain-in-th-ass wife and various other cardboard representations as figures in our history) seriously I became outraged by equating these men/women to the current cast of 'CHURLISH CHARACTERS' now campaigning for the President of these UNITED STATES!!! First there is BITCH HILLARY arguably the most duplicitous/canniving candidate ever either man or woman!!! BITCH HILLARY has been associated with 'illegal'fund raising', stock futures manipulation, possible murders, selling secret information to foreign agents, feigning knowledge of her prerend-husband's DICKHEAD 'illegal activities' and various other felonies/misdemeanors aside from 'glorifying' her resume with absurdities like 'PEACE IN NORTHERN IRELAND' and'UNDERTAKING DANGEROUS DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS' as 'first-lady' in DICKHEAD CLINTON's WHORE-HOUSE oh sorry WHITE HOUSE!!! Second there is BARACK'barky'OBAMA who up until has hidden the 'darkness' of his being BLACK and a 'hater' of WHITES behind his speeches of 'hope', 'change' despite his involvement in unsavory/illegal land deals with TONY REZKO and the CHICAGO 'MOB' of DUMB-DEMBHOLE STOOGIES and his reliance on the REV. WRIGHT and his bigotry/racist views of AMERICAN 'history' as he has claimed that WHITES 'invented' the AIDS virus to afflict the 'coloured races' and various 'nutty' theories that unfortunately most BLACKS and some WHITES agree with like the UNITED STATES was 'responsible' for 9/11 and AMERICA 'knew' JAPAN would attack PEARL HARBOR!!! OBAMA has decided to attack PAKHISTAN because that is where OSAMA BIN LADEN is hiding and besides 'BARKY's step-father was a PAKHISTANI - sure FREUD would have a field day with this 'nutcase' eh??? And thirdly there is JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN responsible for every bill/amendment limiting our 'rights&freedoms' that makes its way through CONGRESS - namely McCAIN/FEINGOLD, McCAIN/KENNEDY, and other 'stoopidisms' while 'living-off' his 2nd wife's money amid persistent rumors that JOHN'the-old-fool' ratted out his fellow POW's while being held in NORTHVIETNAM!!! TO TOP IT OFF ALL THREE OF THESE CRETINS - BITCH HILLARY WENT TO YALE LAW, 'BARKY' OBAMA WENT TO HARVARD LAW, AND JOHN'THE-OLD-FOOL' WENT TO THE US NAVAL ACADEMY AT ANNAPOLIS - TO PROVE THAT THESE SCHOOLS ARE NOT THAT DISCRIMINATING AS TO WHOM THEY SELECT ANYMORE!!! Three losers are the 'best' we have for candidates to our once respected/revered post of President!!! These three frauds/impostors are the choices for top executive of this once great nation. IT ANGERS ME GREATLY TO COMPARE OUR 'FOUNDERS' WITH THESE THREE MORE RECENT 'FIGURES' OF OUR HISTORY!!! Perhaps the sun has finally set on AMERICA with the advent of this dismal triumvirate to help us grope into a growingly uncertain future!!! WHERE IS AN'OBNOXIOUS' LITTLE-SHIT LIKE JOHN ADAMS WHEN YOU NEED HIM???

Sunday, March 16, 2008

J.P. MORGAN 'saves' BEAR STEARNS - but at what cost to us???

J.P. MORGAN has bought BEAR STEARNS - FOR $2 DOLLARS A SHARE!!! --- all guananteed by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT all 237million dollars of your tax monies!!! WHAT A SWINDLE!!! WHAT INSIDERISM AND POLITICALLY CONNECTED FAVORATISM AND FAKERY!!! [Previous BEAR STEARNS had traded for as much as $159+dollars three years ago and traded for $30+dollars this past Monday, March 9, 2008] QUITE A SWINDLE EH??? The old-man potatoe-nose J.P. MORGAN must be laughing himself silly in his grave at the STOOPIDITY of us all in agreeing to this chicanery!!! WE PAY FOR THE FUNDS TO PERMIT J.P. MORGAN TO 'BUY'/STEAL THE CARCASS OF BEAR STEARNS - THIS IS ALL BECOMING TOO LAUGHABLE!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

With the 'bailout' of BEAR STEARNS BANK&BROKERAGE HOUSE is the...

FED now committing us to 'bailouts' of any stupidly performing companies?[We list the recent 'promise' commitments to 'bailout' MORTGAGE COMPANIES, assist borrowers-lenders, the past 'bailout' of CHRYSLER CORP. and other companies as the SAVINGS&LOAN SCANDAL(abetted by 'fools' like JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN)??? DOES THIS MEAN THAT ANY 'POORLY' RUN CONCERN WILL BE 'BAILED-OUT' WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS - OR JUST POLITICALLY 'CONNECTED' COMPANIES/CONCERNS??? Will CITIBANK 'run' by the asshole ROBERT RUBIN be the next company/concern 'bailedout' or wasn't the MEXICAN STOCK 'FRAUD' enough when RUBIN'sandwich' was with CLINTON INC. and he made millions/billions for GOLDMAN-SUCKS & CITIBANK with guarantees of our tax dollars???!!! JUST WHY DO WE ALLOW THESE MORONS/ASSHOLES TO 'RUN' THESE LARGE CORPORATIONS??? Are we a 'socialist-type' state and don't want to admit that these politically connected companies are 'POORLY OPERATED' only for the benefit of the so-called PRIVILEGED CLASSES??? AND YOU WONDER WHY THE 'DOLLAR' VALUE IS SINKING ON THE WORLD MARKET??? STOOPID ASSHOLES!!! Who is next LEHMAN BROS., CITIGROUP??? Who is the next beneficiary of poor management and an influx of our 'tax dollars'??? FOOLS!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

CHUCK'the-schmuck' likes to 'play' phone tag!!!

Shame about E-L-I-O-T SPITZER and all being 'caught' with high-priced ‘PROSTITUTEES’ - but why not a 'PEEP' from US SENATOR CHARLES SCHUMER of NY??? Geez you would think CHUCK'the-schmuck' had something to hide??? Just because he gave/offered the numbers/contact info for the 'EMPERORS CLUB' to E-L-I-O-T - why would that cause CHUCK'the-schmuck' to hunker-down??? ‘SPITZ’ rhymes with ‘TITS’ ain’t the only POLITICAL HACK who likes the Tits&Ass’ – is he???


GERALDINE FERRARO-ZACCARO or whatever 'alias' she is using to 'scam' someone at present is a 'longtime racist fool' - despite her 'claims' to the contrary!!! Recently she stated that:"OBAMA would not be anywhere if he were WHITE or a woman." AND THEN TRIED TO 'FUMBLE' HER WAY OUT OF THIS RIDICULOUS COMMENT MADE ON BEHALF OF BITCH HILLARY - who wouldn't be 'anything' but the lump of SHIT she most assuredly is without being married to her pretend-husband DICKHEAD!!! OH YEAH - GERRY FERRARO-ZACCARO stated this about JESSE JACKSON in 1988:"JACKSON wouldn't be anywhere if he was not BLACK!" QUITE THE LONG-TIME RACIST DEMBHOLE FOOL AREN'T YOU GERRY??? GERRY FERRARO-ZACCARO the campaign manager for 'RACIST DEMBHOLE FOOLS' for BITCH HILLARY!!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not a 'peep' from US SENATOR CHARLES SCHUMER about E-L-I-O-T??? WHY???

Shame about E-L-I-O-T SPITZER and all being 'caught' - but why not a 'PEEP' from US SENATOR CHARLES SCHUMER of NY??? Geez you would think CHUCK'the-schmuck' had something to hide??? Just because he gave/offered the numbers/contact info for the 'EMPERORS CLUB' to E-L-I-O-T - why would that cause CHUCK'the-schmuck' to hunker-down???

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


GERALDINE FERRARO(ZACCARO) or whatever alias she hides behind - is a 'RACIST' DEMBHOLE FOOL!!! MZ. FERRARO ZACCARO when she is doing her 'sleazy deals' stated that: "If OBAMA was a 'WHITE GUY' - he (OBAMA) would never be where he was campaign-wise!" Racist comment - YES Foolish comment as she is an advisor for BITCH HILLARY - YES a DUMB-DEMBHOLE FOOL - ASSUREDLY YES!!! AH DEMBHOLES scratch a 'liberal' get a 'RACIST-FASCIST' everytime!!! GERRY go back to QUEENS NY where your corrupt-scummy family ripped-off everything even the 'change' from the parking meters!!! RACIST-CORRUPT SCUMMY DEMBHOLE OF COURSE YOU ARE SUPPORTING 'BITCH HILLARY'!!!

What rhymes with 'SPITZ'??? Why it's 'TITS'!!!

[Aside from the disgust/moral terpitude employing pristitutes by E-L-I-O-T SPITZER and the added federal violations of the 'MANN ACT', possible tax fraud, violations of various statutes about 'money-laundering', racketeering etc - what of the largely WHITE cadre of WASP's on WALL STREET getting the JEW - E-L-I-O-T SPITZER??? AND WHAT OF HIS BEING PIMPED ONTO THE EMPEROR'S CLUB BY NONE OTHER THAN CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER??? Jews will not recover for 25-50 years if these accusations are proven eh CHUCK'the-schmuck'??? ANTI-JEWISH CANARDS/ACCUSATIONS WILL BE RAMPANT!!!]
E-L-I-OT E-L-I-O-T 1ST'drivers licences for ILLEGALS' NOW THEY ARE YOUR 'PROSTUTEES' riding around in cars paid for by you!!! WHAT rhymes with 'SPITZ' why it is 'T&TS'!!! HA-HA-HAH-HA!!! HILLARY has found her new VP RUNNING MATE!!! SPITZ and her pretend-husband D^CKHEAD can trade numbers/experiences!!! HA-HA-HA!!! ANOTHER DUMB-DEMBHOLE CLAIMING 'PRIVACY' FOR SEX/CRIMINAL MONEY-LAUNDERING!!! Geez sounds like ‘CLINTON IN’ don’t it???!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ an ignurant hectoring 'know-nothing' FLORIDA DEMBHOLE CONGRESSWOMAN stated today that the REPUBLICANT PARTY was the reason for the FLORIDA DEMBHOLE 'situation' of being 'disenfranchised' from, the DEMBHOLE 'ELECTIONS' and that the sole reason for the massive turn-out was WAS catch-this not NOT the voter amendment on taxes???!!! WHAT??? HAVE YOU BEEN OUT TO LONG IN THE SUN WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ??? OR WERE YOU OFF YOUR MEDS??? ANOTHER DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT SCHIZO LOSER - WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

HILLARY says:"I am a real person"

BITCH HILLARY after wins in OHIO,TEXAS, RHODE-ISLAND says " See I am a real person" WHAT -you fucking ignurant stupid slut cleaning-up DICKHEAD's 'sloppy-seconds'!!! NOT MUCH OF AN ATTORNEY - YOU 'CLAIMED' A CATTLE FUTURES TRADING POSITIONWHICH WAS AN OUTRIGHT FRAUD-LIE WAS AN INSTEAD A BRIBE FROM TYSON - YOU 'KNOW' MORE ABOUT CERTAIN SUSPICIOUS DEATHS AND ARE AWARE OF CERTAIN 'CRIMINAL ENDEAVORS' ON BOTH YOURS AND DICKHEAD'S UNDERTAKINGS!!! Real yeah you are real - as much as BARRY'bubblehead-hat-sizes-3-larger'BONDS did not take steroids!!! Ha! You fucking 'worthless' lying hag!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


BARBRA'the-idjit'FEINSTEIN on FOX NEWS this Sunday morn stated that:"....I read a lot...and SENATOR CLINTON traveled to over 80 countries world-wide...and is the 'victim' as women are 'discriminated against'" WHAT? Are you still on drugs or has the KAL-EE-FORN-YA['THE GOVERNATOR' Ahrnold's pronounciation] sun eaten away at the mush that is supposedly your brain??? BITCH HILLARY you are 'travel-on baggage' when your pretend husband DICKHEAD was having his 'foreign affairs'!!! Ha! BITCH HILLAR allowed all of DICKHEAD's shit+affairs which she was/is aware of since the 1970's/1980's in ARKANSAS and through-out the 1990's when he was playing 'cigars' with 'FATTY' MONICA & the numerous other 'BIMBETTES' including his latest suck-job-du-jour MS. BELINDA STRONACH!!! [Maybe it is that BITCH HILLARY won't give 'head' and doesn't swallow for DICKHEAD???]