Sunday, June 14, 2009

SENATURDS telling us how to fritter away 'our' monies...

reprint from Oct. 1, 2009

Poof - waving their 'magic wand' the UNITED STATES SENATURDS have transformed this SOCIALIST-SCHIESS+SILLY-SPIN into something they deem palatable for the idiot 'common people'!!! AMAZING that they condone to share the same air as us this group of 'privileged'+above all intelligent millionaires???!!! Why shouldn't the SECRETARY get $700BILLION DOLLARS of our TAX MONIES to do with as he pleases because we already gave $85BILLION DOLLARS to AIG - because BECAUSE his former employer GOLDMAN-SUCKS has a $20BILLION DOLLAR STAKE in AIG???!!! AH our TAX MONIES so well spent because SENATURDS tell us!!! Ha. [Meanwhile not a peep, tremor about the REAL CULPRITS who caused this mess - in JAPAN cretins like REPREHENISBLE BARNEY'play-with-my-schmeckle-get-a-loan-from-Fannie/Freddie'FRANK, SENATURD 'COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE' DODD, economic whizzes RAINES+JOHNSON, D^CKHEAD CLINTON, the present President BUSH and ALLEN GREENSPAN - would be asked to resign or commit seppuke(hari-kari) to atone for their various disgraces!!!] PASS THE CHOP-SUEY. AND NOW WE ARE TOLD MORE BAIL-OUTS FROM 'the OBAMA' --- AND NOW BESIDES GOVERNMENT MOTORS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE GOVERNMENT HEALTH-CARE!!! Whoee pass the SHIT SALAD and CHOW DOWN!!!

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