Monday, June 1, 2009

the con of the ARENA SCAM continues...

In ORLANDO, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA - the management of the NBA basketball East chmpion ORLANDO MAGICLESS congratulated themselves for increasing tourism in ORLANDO. Yes all the bars and tee-shirt shops were busy - thus justifying according to the MAGICLESS the outlay of public funds of 2+BILLION DOLLARS for a new stadium paid for by a 30% increase in property taxes for ORANGE COUNTY residents!!! The DeVOS FAMILY - of BILLIONAIRES couldn't be bothered paying for the ARENA which they would own with their own money!!! LET THE TAX-PAYING SUCKERS AND FANS OF OUR MAGICLESS DRIBBLE THE BILL FOR OUR NEW STADIUM - EVEN THOUGH THE OLD ONE IS ONLY LESS THAN 20-YEARS OLD Ha!!! All approved by ORLANDO Mayor BUDDY BUFFOON + ORANGE COUNTY Mayor RICH CRUDDY + their coterie of corrupt HACKS/POLS all on the payroll!!! Some TAX for a depressed economy eh??? How do you spell ORANGE COUNTY VOTERS - S-U-C-K-E-R-S???!!!

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