Sunday, June 7, 2009

A food taster for 'the OBAMA' in Paris...

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA could not find time to dine with the SARKOZY's but had a 'food-taster' to make sure there was no CRAP in the CREPES, or POISON in the POISSON, or BULLSHIT in the BRE, or FUCK-YOU in the FRITES - all on the TAX-PAYER's dime of ESTADOS UNIDOS!!! What a superciliuous BLACK PUNK ASSHOLE from CHICAGO. Check the food when you and VEEP comik-fart sidekick JOE'it-was-a-hair-transplant-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-all-my-bungholes'BIDEN go to a burger joint you MARXIST MORON!!! Do you think you are essential or perhaps you are a ROMAN EMPEROR with a fucking food taster??? BLACK SHITHEAD!!!

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