Friday, June 19, 2009

The NKOREAN threat...

Now that the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA has shown what we will do when 'threatened' by missiles from a menacing cuntry such as NKOREA, or IRAN, or PAKHISTAN, or even 'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA - what 'secrets are left to divulge to these ASSHOLES??? AMERIKA can track NKOREA ships but not board them. AMERIKA always 'talks' a good game like certain PUNK PLAYERS such as 'the OBAMA' & DEMBHOLE/MARXIST friends swatting-at-bloodthirsty flies - but its all just talk!!! BOARD THE SHIPS SEIZE THE CONTRABAND AND KNOCK THE FOOKN MISSILES OUT OF THE SKY OR OFF THE LAUNCHING PADS!!! Why ARE YOU SUCH A FOOKN WUSSIE MR. OBAMA with that 37 in bowling???

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