Thursday, June 18, 2009

OBAMA the dumb SHIT!!!

Pres. BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA stated that "...there is no difference between MOUUSAVI and ACHMINDEAJEAD". So SHITHEAD OBAMA was there a difference between YELTSIN and GORBACHEV??? Or how about LECH WALESEA and the COMMIES??? YOUSE AN UTTER ASSHOLE BOY - YOUSE REPRESENTS THE FORMER AMERIKA-of-FREEDOM --- NOT NOT YOUR PERVERTED VIEW OF HISTORY OR REALITY YOU MARXIST MOTHER-FUCKER!!! So much for IRAN - is that because of your MUSLIM ROOTS - or just your BLACK KENYAN daddy fookn your WHITE mother when she was 17 - NOT NOT at a 'civil rights' rally in SELMA as you have LIED about!!! STOOPID BLACK ASSHOLE too afraid of criticism you insecure son-of-a-bitch!!! Why don't you go bowling or 'fake' some more 3-point shots with your video operation!!! DEMBHOLE DUMBSHIT. Or marvel that you 'swatted' a fly on TV. You are a hero - to the ASSHOLES of the NATIONAL MEDIA. YOU FOOKN JOKE. PATHETIC FRAUD. GO BACK TO CHICAGO TO THE PUNKS AND MARXIST MORONS THERE.

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