Sunday, March 22, 2009

What's 'good' for the USA...

TIM GEITHNER used to be PAULSEN'S STOOGE at GOLDMAN-SUCKS[the MOB BROKERAGE HOUSE]. Now little asshole TIMMY took over PAULSEN'S gig as SECRETARY of the TREASURY. Used to be a maxim that what was good for GeneralMotors was good for the USA. Now the fookn MARXIST MORONS like 'the OBAMA'+his COMRADES seem to think what is good for GOLDMAN-SUCKS is good for the USA!!! Ha. NAMELY THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM AS LONG AS THEIR BUDDIES LIKE SCHUMER, DODD, PELOSI, FRANK, LIDDY & OTHERS GET TO BE OUR COMMISIRS!!! All hail 'the OBAMA'=our new DICTATOR STALIN. Ugh.

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