Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ACORN conducts bus tours of AIG home-owners!!!

Vote fraudsters from ACORN[PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA's former employer as CHICAGO STREET PUNK HUSTLER who was awarded $3.1BILLION DOLLARS in the latest DEMBHOLE SHIT STIMULUS PORK ROLL!!!]organized a bus and stocked it with the unworthy/unemployed/unproductive members of society and toured all 2 of the countless AIG employees homes in CONNECTICUTT with the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA in a slavish motorcade!!! MORE 'CLASS WARFARE' POPULISM FROM 'the OBAMA' + HIS COMRADES!!! It is not the BONUSES ASSHOLES at ACORN/'the OBAMA's APARATCHIKS - IT IS THE FACT THAT US SENATURD CHRIS'ise-got-my-discount-loans-from Cuntrywide'DODD WROTE THIS EXEMPTION INTO THIS SHIT BILL TO BENEFIT AIG SO THE CASH WOULD KEEP FLOWING TO HIM AND FOR HIS RELATIVES (READ HIS WIFE+OTHERS) TO KEEP GETTING THEIR BUCKS!!! Wakeup FOOLS at the ASSHOLE MEDIA - YOU ARE AS CORRUPT AS ACORN!!!

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