Saturday, March 14, 2009

foul-mouthed VEEP JOE BIDEN...

VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-my-bunghole'BIDEN uttered into a live microphone the other day at yet another SHIT STIMUUS SCHEME 'giveaway':""Gimme a fooking break," he said replying to his fellow former US SENATURDS and CORRUPT POLS/HACKS as referring to him as VICE-PREZ BIDEN. 'Hairplug'JOE will now have to resort to his 'visions' of growing-up in Depressionville PENNSYLVANIA where his dad referred to him as CHUMP - and kept telling him to get up CHUMP(cause 'Hairplug'JOE must have gotten the shit beat outta him to cause this severe brain damage!!!) get up CHUMP. AND NOW BECAUSE OF THE ACTIONS OF 'HAIRPLUG'JOE +PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA with their SHITTY SOCIALIST SCHEMES and CRUSHING DEFICITS and ESCALATING TAXES - ALL OF US get to experience DEPRESSIONVILLE with 'Hairplug'JOE and his foul-mind/mouth again!!! When you elekt MARXIST MORONS - this is what you get!!! ASSHOLES.

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