Thursday, March 26, 2009

The monied organ-grinder and his pet monkey=SOROS+OBAMA...

GORGE SOROS has stated "...he and his hedge funds are having a very good crisis." SOROS has made $BILLIONS while others suffer. Nothing new as SOROS has been indicted/tried/convicted in FRANCE for fraudulent currency arbitrage. SOROS was one of the original backers of PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA - as both share a perverse hatred of the UNITED STATES FREE MARKET CAPITALIST SYSTEM and embrace MARXIST DICTATES and CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS!!! When SOROS 'fixed 'the OBAMA's contributions from outside the USA - during the campaign, SOROS, proved he was capable of doing anything for 'his trained monkey' and erstwhile SOCIALIST enabler at the helm of WORLD ECONOMICS & POWER!!! Watch as SOROS's trained MARXIST monkey ruins the WORLD ECONOMY - all to SOROS and his evil hedge funds benefit!!!

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