Thursday, March 26, 2009

CIRCUMCISSION cuts cancer risk - news not new!!!

Over 40+ years ago i learned in college/university that women having sex with uncircumcised males had a 10 fold greater risk of developing cancer of the uterus!!! DAH. The JEWS realized this over 2000+ years ago!!! Now there are renewed calls for males to get cut. March 25, 2009 - Circumcised men have a 25% lower risk of genital herpes and a 35% lower risk of HPV, the virus that causes genital warts and cancers.
The data come from a study in Uganda that already has shown circumcision effective in reducing a man's risk of HIV infection from heterosexual sex. The two-year study by Johns Hopkins researcher Aaron A.R. Tobian, MD, PhD, and colleagues enrolled nearly 3,400 men negative for HSV-2, the genital herpes virus. OBVIOUSLY MEN WHO ARE CUT POSE LESS OF A THREAT FOR PASSING THE 'HERPES VIRUS' AND POSSIBLE CANCER CAUSE ON TO FEMALE PARTNERS.

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