Monday, January 5, 2009

OBAMA 'picks+administration' off to a SLEAZY START!!!

Some 'CHANGE + TRANSPARENCY' eh with the new BARAK OBAMA 'ADMINISTRATION' eh??? DEMBHOLE ROD BLAGOEVICH accused of 'trying' to sell OBAMA's SENATURD seat - and then the appointment given to some old BLACK POL/HACK in with 'CHICAGO filth'!!! Now the sleazy 'Spanglish' GOVERNOR of NEW MEXICO RICHARDSON caught-up in an FBI + JUSDIS DEPT. investigation to 'highjinks' in NEW MEXICO + CALIFORNIA - has to wothdraw his nomination for the OBAMA 'CABINET'!!! Well there's still "...asbestos pants-suit"HILLARY selling-off the STATE DEPARTMENT as fast as she can!!! And TOM'thedimwit'DASCHLE selling-off HEALTH-CARE as fast as he is able to keep pace with his wife 'the lobbyist' and her 'aircraft deals'!!! SOME 'CHANGE' AND 'TRANSPARENCY' EH??? NOW WE CAN ALL SEE WHEN WES GET FOOKED AND STOLEN FROM???!!! Ha. JUST DA SAME-OLD SAME-OLD IN WASHINGTON AND ACROSS THE NATION!!!

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