Monday, August 10, 2009

DAVID ORTIZ pathetic excuse...

DAVID ORTIZ, or BIG PAPI as he is affectionately known on the BOSTON REDSOX NATION; gave a mea culpa press conference about his being listed on BEISBOL's 2003 drug report for steroids. ORTIZ or the BIG SHIT stated he would have to choose more carefully his over-the-counter supplements and still doesn't know how STEROIDS got into his system!!! Hmmm. Hey BIG SHIT ORTIZ you did em' you used em' your HR totals went from 1 every 25 with the TWINS to 1 in every 14 at bats with the REDSOX. YOU DID EM' WITH YOUR CABRON 'MANNY' AND NOW YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE YOUR PATHETIC/LAME/IDIOTIC EXCUSE???!!! Get FOOKED BIG SHIT you and MANNY both got caught cheating!!! You are nothing but a sniveling PUNK for the PLAYER'S UNION!!!

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