Monday, May 25, 2009

to Captain POWELL...

Captain POWELL(as that was the rank he was at MACV when i served with him) is IRRELEVANT and largely IMMATERIAL in any discussion/debate of the REPUBLICANT PARTY!!! POWELL has made his choice based on 'RACE' not on the solutions or propositions at hand. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY MR. POWELL - NOW AS ALL OLD SOLDIERS SHOULD DO JUST FADE AWAY AND DON'T BOTHER/PLAGUE US ANYMORE WITH YOUR RIDICULISMS. You MR. POWELL have now become offensive too many in this country who do not have the advantage of your colour-blinded vision.(Simply being 'against' RUSH LIMBAUGH or DICK CHENEY or anyone else you do not concur with is not enough!!!) PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA is the new COMMIESIR STALIN in our SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA. The country you swore to defend and protect against all enemies foreign and domestic. Your BLACK FOOQUEWAD BUD is a FOOKN FASCIST who wishes to control all aspects of AMERIKAN life!!!

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