Thursday, May 21, 2009

'the OBAMA' assumes the title of 'fart-turd-comik'...

Today, PREZ BARACH'pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-convicted/fraudster-George"im-having-a-very-good-crisis"Soros with feckless rhetorical flourishes outta his BLACK PUNK ASS from CHICAGO or wherever'OBAMA gave an essais today in which as usual he said nothing proving though he could read from a teleprompter!!! PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA told the LIBERAL LEFT LOONIES that the CONSTITUTION was in jeopardy for allowing GUANTANAMO and 'water-boarding'=EIT!!! "TOO HASTY A DECISION" you said meanwhile FOR CREATING GITMO backtracking on military tribunals, and bringing these terorrist scum into this country!!! WHAT BULLSHIT FROM AN DEMBHOLE MARXIST ASSHOLE!!! 'the OBAMA' has already 'briefed' various LINERAL LOONS that certain alleged 'terorrists' may never be charged but held in captivity forever. Some CONSTITUTIONAL guarantees eh??? - ha YOU DUMBASS DEMBHOLE!!! But 'the OBAMA' will always be transparent and honest with you!!! Ha-Ha-Ha.[Just like this BLACK PUNK ASS COWARD was afraid to look Beebee NETANYAHU in the eye when they met - cause this BLACK ASSHOLE will sell out ISRAEL in a heartbeat to appease his MUSLIM buddies and relatives!!!] So 'the OBAMA' has placed the crown of 'fart-comik-with worthless rhetorical flourishes outta his big BLACK ASSHOLE' on view for all to see that this USELESS MARXIST PUNK can read a speech - but as his friends the JEWS say has very little 'seikel'. JUST BECAUSE YOU WENT TO COLUMBIA AND HARVARD DOESN'T MAKE YOU TERRIBLY BRIGHT OR VERY SMART - DEMBHOLE MARXIST LOSER!!! It is not for you, YOU ASSHOLE, to determine what the CONSTITUTION should be!!! SOME SCHOLAR - WERE YOU THAT DAY AT HARVARD DOING 'WEED' WITH YOUR HOMIES??? HA. MARXIST MORONSKI!!!

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