Thursday, May 14, 2009

"CIA is lying - not me" says PELOSI!!!

REPREHENSIBLE NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI stated today that the "...CIA was lying - and not her" about her being briefed at least twice according to records the CIA/House-Intelligence-Committee kept of the 'briefings' procedure regarding EIT or 'TORTURE' conditions as it is known by the DEMBHOLE CONGRESS!!! WHOM DO YOU TRUST - THE CIA OR 'BOTOX-BUTT' PELOSI??? Yep 'Sphincter' PELOSI you stepped in the shit this time with asanine proclamations of your own!!! Amazingly it has taken you over 6 years to dispute the record of your 'briefings' - how come you STOOPID DEMBHOLE CUNT???!!! [By the way according to CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER how come "...they only LIED to you - no one else" like all the other DEMBHOLES & REPUBLICANTS??? Ha.] FOOKN STOOPID CUNT!!!

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