Sunday, April 19, 2009

TEA DAY PROTESTS - the 'real' story...

The most ‘amazing’ circumstances of these TEA-DAY-PROTESTS aside from the smarmy references and vulgarities by such as JANENE'im-a-know-nothing-and-proud-of-being-a-Hollywood-Dembhole-stoopid-cunt' GARAFALO blaming all the participants as racists for hating a Black [although ain't 'the OBAMA' just another 'oreo'?], ANDERSON COOPER with his witty t-bag references to sex in his adopted GAY lifestyle ducking from other failed VANDERBILT’S committing suicides off of tall buildings, and other DUMB DEMBHOLE POLS like PAUL BEGALA + ‘NAPPY’ NAPLOLITANO blaming these ‘right-wing extremists’ and placing them on 'watch-lists' along with REPREHENSIBLE NANCY’sphincter-of-the-US-House-of-Fools’PELOSI ascribing these 'protests' as being initiated by/for ‘rich’ REPUBLICANTS – there was not one ONE report of vandalism, destruction, imsurrection in this day of over 800+ protests across this nation!!! CITIES were not ‘burned’ as they were during the BLACK CIVIL-RIGHTS PROTESTS in the 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s. CARS, BUSINESSES were not burned-ruined during celebrations of sports teams winning events such as college/professional championships. UNION solidarity rallies regularly feature thuggery/violence/intimidation showcasing UNION workmanship. Several hundred thousand people protested without violating rules of social decorum. SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND INDIVIDUALS TO FINALLY SAY NO TO A MARXIST WAVE OF STOOPIDITY AND SPENDING THAT CAN ONLY LEAD TO MORE INDEBTEDNESS AND THE LOSS OF OUR ‘BASIC FREEDOMS’. Quite a day of protests indeed!!!

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