Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Senator SCHUMER blames BUSH for tne SANAFU about plane over the Hudson!!!

SENATURD CHUCK'the-Schmuck'SCHUMER blamed former President BUSH for 'the OBAMA's Air-Force-One 747 flying low over NewYorkCity and the Huson River yesterday. SENATURD CHUCK'the-Schmuck' attributed it to the FAA being so "...skrewd-up under the BUSHIES" with no replacement appointed by 'the OBAMA' saying "...we found out when you guys did" about photo op flight of Air Force One and fighter jets over NYC close by the highjacked airliner flights into the towers that caused panic/destruction to/in NewYorkCity!!! The WHITE HOUSE PRESS secretary, 'the GIBBSTER' said he "...would call the WHITE HOUSE" to find out what was going on??? SOME TRANSPARENT AND 'HONEST' ADMINISTRATION HUH???

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