Monday, April 6, 2009


PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest-pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-George-indicted/convicted/tried-currency-fraudster-SOROS'OBAMA states equivocally that "...words mean something" in referring to NKorea's missile launch!!! WHAT??? Does this mean 'the OBAMA's words that he will not have any lobbyists in his administration[save the ones he needs like TIM GEITHNER schmuck-de-jour-for GOLDMAN SUCKS and various others on the hook for 'DEFENSE FIRMS/BANKS/UNIONS' are too important not to have???] YEAH WORDS HAVE MEANING. So let's all think 'hard' thoughts and wish bad things happen to NKOREA - and IRAN - and RUSSIA when they invade another former satellite again!!! FACE IT YOU ARE A FOOKN ASSHOLE PUNK FROM CHICAGO BIG-EAR BARRY - YOU ARE A USELESS SHIT WHO HAPPENED TO GET ELEKTED PRESIDENT!!! Now we are forced to obey your STALIN-like dictates as you ruin this cuntry while making money for your master the thoroughly loathsome GEORGE'the-fraudster-and-self-hating-Jew'SOROS and others of his disreputable ilk!!! G-D help us all.

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