Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why this 'AUTO BAILOUT' is a FRAUD!!!

Firstly - $15BILLION-DOLLARS is only a drop in the bucket - the AUTO INDUSTRY will need upwards of $120BILLION-DOLLARS to wriggle out of its dire straits/mismanagement!!! Secondly - why 'help' assholes who will continue to 'run' the AUTO BUSINESS into the ground??? The US CONGRESS COULD NOT EVEN 'RUN'/MANAGE ITS OWN STAFF CAFETERIA!!! NOW THEY ARE EXPERTS IN THE 'AUTO INDUSTRY'???!!! Ha. Thirdly - the UNIONS ie UAW and others are the only ones bailed-out!!! Done by their DUMB-DEMBHOLE buddies like the corrupt scumbag BLAGOJEWICH and retread canadienne cunt and eekonomixs whizz JENNIFER GRANHOLME who helped cause this mess in DETROIT and MICHIGAN!!! TAXPAYERS OPEN YOUR WALLETS/PURSES SO THE 'CORRUPT FOOKERS OF THE UNIONS' CAN INCREASE THEIR GRAFT AND BRIBES!!! The UAW's stance - no pay-cut at "...a date certain" for us so the AUTO INDUSTRY and all the other workers can go FOOK themselves!!! UAW now stands for UNION-of-ASSHOLE-WORKLESS!!!


Anonymous said...

Obama did it for us! There is a bailout for the people. Obama has started a new grant program. Everyone qualifies. I got $750,000.00USD in grants for my bailout.

Claim Your Bailout

Jaimot's Jargon said...

akky - if you check my posts - i was all for a 'BAILOUT' that would flush the financial sector with cash to allow 'normal' loans/business with no 'FOOKIN PORK/FAVORS' to the POLS/HACKS!!! THAT OBVIOUSLY DID NOT HAPPEN - SO WE US ALL STUCK AGAIN WITH SUPPORTING THESE 'DEADBEAT SCUM'!!! SHARE-the-WEAKTH or rather everybody's poverty!!! Ha.