Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Can a JEW not 'cheat' a JEW???

In reading/perusing stories about BERNARD MADOFF - the 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' specifically avoided-or-refused to print that many of MADOFF's inestors/suckahs specifically were JEWS like MORTY ZUCKERMAN, ELIE WEISEL, STEVEN SPEILBERG, & other celebs/people-of-wealth of the JEWISH religious denomination!!! The 'insularness' of this group in wishing to 'deal' with their own kind - helped Mr. MADOFF in his monetary 'SCAM' and the erroneous perception that 'Jews are better money handlers than the rest of us' has become ingrained in our psyches since the first times 'Shylock' as character in 'The Merchant of Venice' was brought to the stage by Master Shakespeare. When 'Wall Street' + the JUSDIS DEPARTMENT went after Michael Milken for supposed 'gaming' the system with his 'junk bond schemes' - there was more than a little bitterness by WASP WALL STREET ensuring the comeuppance of Milken in the mid 1990's - the Jew who did the WASP's on the 'Street' one better in arbitraging money!!! The fact of whether or not MADOFF was a 'Jew' should be immaterial - but to many of his fellow 'landesman' it was important that they invest with someone of 'their own'. Such is a sad and in this case form of everyday life. Perhaps we should all read Master Shakespeare's awesome monologue that begins:"Hath a Jew not eyes..." and add a new ending - "Can not a Jew cheat his own?" Or a BLACK or an HISPANIC??? or any other racial or ethnic minority???

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