Thursday, August 28, 2008

PUTIN blames the US for GEORGIA imbroglio!!!

VLAD PUTIN the mad-CZARIST from RUSSIA now blames the 'evil' UNITED STATES for the RUSSIAN invasion/rape of GEORGIA and not leaving even though they 'say' they have!!! This is a 'CLOCKWORK ORANGE WORLD' where RUSSIA 'blames' AMERIKA for their hissy fit into GEORGIA!!! IS VLAD TOO 'DRUNK' WITH ALL THOSE GAS FUMES TO REALIZE REALITY FROM HIS FICTICIOUS POSE AS THE NEW CZAR OF ALL THE RUSSIA'S - HE CAN RECONQUER??? Further 'MAD' VLAD claims BUSH/CHENEY orchestrated RUSSIA's invasion of GEORGIA to fix the election to JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN!!! Think 'MAD'VLAD wants to do 'business' with the ineffectual punk 'BARRY' OBAMA??? Ha. RUSSIAN SOCIALIST WOULD BE CZAR'S LIKE E-Z MARKS LIKE MOODY MARXIST'S SUCH AS 'BARRY' AND HIS DEMBHOLE BUDDIES!!!

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