Friday, August 29, 2008

...brief thoughts on the upcoming election...

In times of great stress and anxiety, the UNITED STATES as a nation somehow produces transcendent leader’s of great character.
Whether we follow BARACK OBAMA and other Democrat’s down his path(with the inspiring saga of his education and the pitfalls of being BLACK in this country and undergoing his hardships) or shall we follow the story of JOHN McCAIN; former POW in NVIETNAM and various confrontations with the Republican party over his policies to take this country on the path he chooses. WHICH WILL THE NATION CHOOSE??? Or will it be the subservient stories of JOE BIDEN – with his ‘working-class’ blue-collar roots in Catholic Scranton, Pennsylvania --- or SARAH PAILIN the female-hunter-homemaker from the frozen oil rich wastes of Alaska; which will command our interest/titillation/respect??? Whichever this nation chooses too embrace – the outcome as well as the contest will be historic. And perhaps change the history and tenor of our republic for all time.

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