Thursday, August 21, 2008

Now that McCAIN is ahead in one poll...

the stoopid DEMBHOLE SUSAN ESTRICH is 'kvetching' "...that polls don't matter"!!! This from the same woman that wrecked MIKE'look-at-me-in-a-tank'DUKAKIS campaign when up by 17 points 80days from election 'THE DUKE'-or is that 'THE DUCHESS' would lose decisively!!! ESTRICH is regarded by some boobs as a DEMBHOLE 'savant'...What really ticks me off about Smilee-Susan is that this fraud went to HARVARD LAW as a reward for losing the campain for 'the dukeless' all on the people's dime at HARVARD! THAT'S CORRECT THE CITIZENS OF TAXACHUSETTS PAID FOR THIS STOOPID DEMBHOLES DEGREE AT HARVARD!!! ESTRICH WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ADMITTED IF NOT FOR HER 'POLITICAL PULL' - WELL MAYBE PERHAPS TO SCRUB THE TOILETS OR FLOORS!!! And so this DEMBHOLE 'LOSER' now becomes some kinda thinker - what a joke!!!

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