Sunday, August 10, 2008

JOHN EDWARDS - scummy latex salesman...

Aside from looking at JOHN EDWARDS as a true DEMBHOLE FOOL and typical of a SCUMBAG TRIAL ATTORNEY - this situation sort of reminds me of the SEINFELD episode scene when the pathetic GEORGE lies to his 'unemployment worker' and tells her he has been out looking for a job as "...a latex salesman" and offers JERRY's phone number as the business line. Of course KRAMER answers the phone and does not confirm GEORGE's lie. GEORGE, in the bathroom with pants down around his knees; flails and crawls trying to answer the phone before his deceit is uncovered. JERRY looks on at GEORGE half-dressed prone on the floor and says:"And you wanted to be my latex salesman???" The same situation arises now with former DEMBHOLE SENATURD JOHN EDWARDS - with his lies about his affair - the payments to the woman - and the still denied paternity of the baby. We watch a totally pathetic JOHN EDWARDS and ask:"This creature wanted to be first vice-president and then president???" We would never even hire JOHN EDWARDS to sell latex for us - only on a commission basis!!!

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