Saturday, July 26, 2008

"We are responsible for DROP in oil price" - HARRY REID!!!

DEMBHOLE SENATURD HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID claimed that the recent drop in OIL PRICES was because of his 'promise' to go after the oil 'speculators'. WHAT IS THIS DEMBHOLE RETARD 'ON' OR WHAT IS HE SMOKING??? THE ENTIRE FUTURES MARKET IS BASED ON SPECULATION!!! And if, IF REID'S wild inane claim is correct - why did DEMBHOLES in CONGRESS allow this to happen for 3 months before they began talking about it??? YOU ARE A FOOL AND A DOUCHESBAG REID. TRADING IS ALWAYS 'SPECULATING' NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY TO BLAME YOUR MYOPIC VISION AND AVOID THE FACT WE MUST DRILL, DRILL, DRILL AND THEN DRILL SOME MORE TO AVOID THIS PRICE INCREASE FROM HAPPENUNG AGAIN. Or will youse DEMBHOLES just use the propellers on your beanie-hats and the 'hot air' from your own emanations for our energy needs???

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