Friday, July 18, 2008

The ARENA SCAM comes back to haunt ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA!!!

PROPERTY TAXES IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA WILL RISE AT LEAST 21% THIS YEAR. The government will say the 'shortfall' is due to the overall economic slowdown - never mentioning that the voters/property owners of ORANGE COUNTY are on the hook for the almost $3BILLION DOLLARS that was approved to pay for the 'private facility' of the MAGICLESS[read DeVOS family] BASKETBALL ARENA. The culprits in this fraud were/are THE ORLANDO SLENTINEL, Mayor BUDDY BUFFOON + his held captive CITY COUNCIL of IDJITS, and POL/HACK RICH CROTTY and his crew. The DeVOS family - BILLIONAIRES in their own right suckered/cajoled/hornswaggled the voters in ORANGE COUNTY into this ARENA SCAM to pay with 'public funds' for their private palace of greed. ENJOY YOUR TAX INCREASES - SUCKERS!!!

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