Sunday, July 20, 2008

BARACK needs a geography/political lesson!!!

Before BARACK took his 'MEDIA' TOUR to AFGHANISTAN/IRAQ to get 'face time' for a SENATE SUBCOMMITTE he is chairman of[but has never held a meeting!] OBAMA might want to take some seminars in geography or politics before he has a one-on-one which BARACK promised to do as part of his policy of 'HOPE & CHANGE' with ACHMINDEAJEAD the IRANIAN DICTATOR who doesn't have any GAYS or JEWS in his country because they've killed them all!!! SENATURD OBAMA said this week that:"...JERUSALEM was the capital of ISRAEL." WHAT??? Read your briefings more carefully - TEL AVIV is ISAREL's capital while it is written that JERUSALEM will be WILL BE ALWAYS the capital of a unified ISRAEL!!! ANYONE COULD HAVE MADE THIS GAFFE JUST LIKE THEY STATED 'THE SURGE' WOULD NOT WORK OR THAT WE LOST IN IRAQ OR THAT THE D.C. 'GUN-BAN' WAS CONSTITUTIONAL EH BARACK??? Go back to school - the lessons did not work even at COLUMBIA or HARVARD.

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