Monday, July 9, 2007

What is going-on with 'CARS' in CHINA???

CHERY CORPORATION has entered into a partnership with CHRYSLER CORPORATION (now owned by CEREBRUS CORPORATION headed by JOHN SNOW former head of the U.S. TREASURY) to manufacture autos at around $10,000 dollars per car and eventually export them to mainland U.S.A. FINE - except that the tariff in CHINA is 25% for U.S. AUTOS while the U.S. rate/tariff would be hust 2.5%???!!! Couple that with the 40% rate that the CHINESE 'YUAN' is undervalued to the U.S. DOLLAR and you have a sure recipe for disaster!!! WHAT THE 'FUCK' IS THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION DOING TO PROTECT U.S AUTO WORKERS AND AUTI SALES???

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