Sunday, July 1, 2007

MARK GREEN is the new 'talking-head' for 'talk-radio'!!!

MARK GREEN failed J.D. from HARVARD LAW, failed N.Y.C. MAYORAL CANDIDATE, and now PREZ of AIR-AMERICA RADIO - states that "...AIR-AMERICA will show profitability faster than FOX T.V. did." HMMMM. That so MR GREEN??? GREEN claims he is not in favour of the 'FAIRNESS DOCTRINE' and refers to his and his kind as 'rogressives' - refusing to use the now derogatory term 'LIBERAL' the way COMMIES now prefer to deem themselves as SOCIALISTS. Once a fucking-no-account LIBERAL SCUMHOLE always a LIBERAL SCUMHOLE!!! Sure AIR-AMERICA will mark its nexus under your stewardship GREEN you fucking DEMBHOLE PUSSY!!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!! NOT A CHANCE!!!

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