Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just how 'whacky' is LIZZIE EDWARDS???

ELIZABETH EDWARDS, DEMHOLE wife of JOHN'the faggot - christened by Ann Coultert'EDWARDS(demhole operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLE) states that she will 'suffer' because she will not 'buy' a tangerine in NORTH CAROLINA cuz' tangerines 'impose' too great a carbon footprint cuz' tangerines don't grow in N.C. Does this mean no banannas for LIZZIE or JOHN cuz' they don't grow in N.C.??? WISE-UP U CREEPS - THIS IS A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND YOUR FUCKED-UP IDEAS SHOULD BE USED AS PURE SHIT FERTILIZER!!! Another DEMHOLE IDJIT!!!

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