Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The NYSlimes makes the case AGAINST 'THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE' - what???

In today's( Tues. Jul3,2007) NYSlimes CARYN JAMES has a pseudo-film review of BRUCE WILLIS' "LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD" with the usual smarmy platitudes and non-thought typical of this 'SCHIESS-RAG'. 7/8ths of the way through this useless diatribe JAMES writes or the NYSlimes idjit-editors allowed this to be printed: "These episodes drag Orwell into 2007; the day we can't flip channels, we should really begin to worry." Sorry to Ms. JAMES AND THE NYSLIMES - that day has been here for a while!!! Go ahead - click on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS; i dare you to find 'news' that is different or fresh or informed??? Go ahead watch CHARLIE the idjit on ABC and his "...Amish in their quaint costumes"!!! Turn into perky KATIE and her unbiased interviews with 'shaky' MIKE FOX!!! Or go watch WOLFF go after more REPUBLICANS on the CommunistNewsNetwork!!! i dare you to see the 'same so-called news' on every channel with the same commercial breaks at the same time??? Now that's FAIRNESS is it not??? The same stories - the same slant - the same time-frame -the same time for commercial breaks??? FAIRNESS ain't it wunnerful???

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