Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who is lying JOHN EDWARDS or BOB SHRUM???

BOB SHRUM in his new book 'EXCUSES - stories of DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG INCOMPETENCE 'run' by the Shrumster o-for-8 in his campains' claims he axsked(ebonics spelling) JOHN'the faggot - so christened by Anne Coulter'EDWARDS about his position on 'gay rights'? JOHN'the faggot'EDWARDS quoted reply was - "He ('the faggot'EDWARDS) was uncomfortable around 'those' people" A spokesperson for 'the faggot'EDWARDS said that quote was taken out of context!!! WHAT??? JOHNNIE'the faggot'EDWARDS was probably too involved 'finding-out-about-the-poor-and poverty' at the FORTRESS HEDGE FUND or being paid $55,ooo to speak about poverty at the UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA SYSTEM while it raises tuition 7% for all students to 'cover' its supposed increase in costs!!! WHAT??? WHOM IS THE BUGGER LIAR BOB'the loser'SHRUM or JOHNNIE'the faggot' EDWARDS??? Or are they both just DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG MORONS & LOSERS???

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