Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Got a BILLION - then you too can 'run' for PRESIDENT!!!

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, NYC MAYOR, HAS SET ASIDE 1billion to 'run' for PRESIDENT!!! WOW - TALK ABOUT 'CHUTZPAH' TALK ABOUT 'HUEVONS'!!! Listen MIKEY this isn't just PRESIDENT of NYC's WEST SIDE - you have to appeal to others besides 'assholeNYers' and those who-live-and-die reading the NYSlimes!!! What's next you'll 'tell' us what it is 'like' to be poor as JOHN'faggot'EDWARDS did as he 'worked' for his friends at the HEDGE FUND??? What party would you 'buy'/run under that is the constipated DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS or the 'old guard-dying rapidly out' RICH-ROCKEFELLER-REPUBLICANS???

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