Saturday, May 26, 2007

DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS get their 'pork bill' but without 'pull-out date'!!!

DUMB DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS got all the 'pork' in their IRAQ WAR BILL but not NOT the 'pull-out' dates they claimed the public elected them om the recent CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS!!! LET'S 40 BILLION for 'special pet projects' like spinach farmers, lettuce growers, any of NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI district projects to help her and her scummy husband in their 'business' interests - heh who cares abot the IRAQ WAR??? OH YEAH THE 'MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE' WAS PASSED - BIG WHOOP ALSO??? DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS always the 'right' priorities -NOT!!!

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