Saturday, March 3, 2007

The NYSlimes 'strikes' again - as usual ALLWRONG!!!

The NYSLIMES true to its idjit style of made-up so-called 'news' portayed the tapping of trees to make maple syrup in VERMONT as AN ECOLOGICAL DISASTER BROUGHT ABOUT BY YES YOU GUESSED IT - 'GLOBAL WARMING'!!! Unfortunately for the NYSLIMES -it has been a colder more wintry winter in VERMONT than usual!!! SHOULD MAKE FOR AFINE MAPLE SUGAR CROP!!! Count on the NYSLIMES not to get the story right or to cave in to DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG GROUP IDJIT THINK!!! And they wonder why 'sales/profits' are down and spiralling into an abyss out-of-control???

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