Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ah the NYSlimes is at it again 'fighting the good-fight' in SPAIN 1938!!!

The NYSlimes is 'fighting the good-fight' in SPAIN circa 1938 by regaling us with stories/photos of the 'LINCOLN BRIGADE' and wartime relief from COMMUNISTS and sympathizers - but not a word or a photo encouraging our 'stand' against ISLAMO-FASCISM in present day IRAQ/IRAN/or the rest of the MIDDLE EAST - how come??? Plenty of pics of BLACKS LANGSTON HUGHES, PAUL ROBESON, and 'happy' BLACKS with WHITES even socializing in this mixed-race society!!! But COMMUNISTS are so much more 'enlightened' - isn't that true NYSlimes??? Aw the NYSlimes looking fondly back on its years of ineptitude/lies/racist views - isn't it just so nostalgic??? AND FRANCO IS STILL DEAD - OR HAS HE BEEN REINCARNATED IN GEORGE BUSH???

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