Thursday, March 8, 2007

MAXINE WATERS on a rant yet again???

MAXINE WATERS elected House member of the 35th district in CALIFORNIA has decided that we should 'get out of IRAQ now!' much as she decided that the C.I.A. was involved in speading drugs throughout BLACK Los Angeles whike she and her husband were being investigated for 'questionable' business deals with many of her supposed-supporters!!! WATERS has invoked her role as BLACK 'nonsensical' welfare shrew and decided to teach DUMB DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS that she is the 'real power' in the DEMOCRATIC-DOUCHEBAG PARTY and not NANCY'New-Stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI!!! See if you can explain away the 'illegal' 1million+++ that you and your husband supposedly raked-in to the poor BLACKS in your district??? AMAZING - your district is just as poor just as crime-ridden just as decrepit as when you first took office all those years ago??? Progress ain't it great Miss MAXINE???

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