Sunday, March 18, 2007

In VENEZUELA - inflations out-of-control, there are shortages of foodstuffs, spending is rampant - oh WHAT-TO-DO WHAT-TO-DO???

It is easy for you if you are HUGO CHAVEZ punk-shithead-dictator of VENEZUELA!!! Inflations rising, basic foods are in short supply, spending is astronomical - why VENEZUELA will just issue 'new money'!!! Scrap certain denominations of the 'BOLIVAR' reissue a new '12.5cent coin called the 'LORCHA' and things will just be fine right??? WRONG ASSHOLE CHAVEZ!!! VENEZUELA WILL SINK FURTHER INTO OBLIVION AS YOU NATIONALIZE THE OIL INDUSTRY AND TRY TO 'PLAY' AT BEING A WORLD TINPOT LEADER!!! WHY NOT ANNOUNCE YOU WANT VENEZUELA TO BECOME A NUCLEAR POWER - LIKE NKOREA OR IRAN??? THAT WILL SURELY MAKE YOUR ECONOMIC PROBLEMS GO AWAY!!!

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