Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Warren Buffett - thief - scolds other thieves!!!

Warren Buffett - the thief/fraudster who presided over Salomon Bros. fixing of the 'bond market', who presided over various insurance scams/frauds in the 'Katrina disaster' in the South, that Warren Buffett who single-handedly 'gummed-up' insurance payments in the World Trade destruction by terrorists and forced there to be two vacant holes where new buildings should have graced the NYC skyline by now - that WARREN BUFFETT is now scolding other executives to hide his own calumnies/perfidies!!! BUFFETT has always been a felon/fraudster flying under everyone's radar politically conneckted to the right people. All hail WARREN BUFFETT as scummy as GEORGE SOROS or JEFF SKILLING at Enron!!!

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