Wednesday, March 17, 2010

this white boy, as regards AG ERIC'bought/paid-for-by-Marc-Rich-monies'HOLDER --

completely agrees with Mr. HOLDER's view that once in United States control or on UNITED STATES sovereign soil - all terrorists should be afforded 'rights' of Amerikan citizens. That farce holding them in Guantanamo wuithout trial - is just that a farce, and diminishes this country as much as Mr. HOLDER diminished his office by allowing himself to be bought by MARC RICH or DYCKEHEAD CLINTON monies!!!

1 comment:

Jaimot's Jargon said...

because lil ERICK is a corrupt attorney who was only appointed because of his BLACKNESS and because he could beeze be bought so e-zily that is why green skirted transvestite!