Monday, October 12, 2009

'the OBAMA' gets his leash jerked again...

BARACH'pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-convicted/fraudster-George'im-having-a-very-good-crisis'Soros is prepared once again to 'make-more-money' for his mastah in the field of GLOBAL WARMING - GREEN BULLSHIT!!![ Youse remember the SCAM the BLACK-PUNK-CHICAGO-COMMIE-FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF-now-NOBUL-PIZZA-SLICE-winner-'the OBAMA' tried to perpetrate by 'giving ' Brazil's PETROBRAS gas supplier $BILLIONS+BILLIONS of our TAX DOLLARS when scumbag SOROS attempted to take control of the company don't youse??? Even though SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' won't allow AMERIKA to drill for its own oil??? But DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAGS are allowed to 'do' all the drilling these wants on their video associates right former SENATURD JOHN'and-former-veep-candiate'EDWARDS and his female drill partner RIELLE???!!! Ha.] So watch for SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' to use $BILLIONS of youse TAX DOLLARS to make money for his mastah GEORGE'the-scumbag-fraudster'SOROS!!! WHO SAYS 'SLAVERY' IS DEAD??? Da mastah jerks his leash and the pet-monkey duz his bidding!!! Whereas SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' was stooped in the PETROBRAS SCAM by SOROS STOOPIDITY/HUBRIS - there may not NOT be such a fortunate outcome under the 'GREEN' guise of helping the planet. What is ahead is more BEISBOL players wearing earmuffs/body-warmers cuz GLOBAL WARMING is so severe!!! Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha.

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