Thursday, October 29, 2009

‘the OBAMA’ crumpin in AFGHANISTAN…

‘the OBAMA’ crumpin in AFGHANISTAN…

BLACK PUNK CHICAGO COMMIE ‘the OBAMA’ in his immenseness will shortly deliver his fiat upon the AMERIKAN military’s involvement in AFGHANISTAN. ‘the OBAMA’ in his hip/hop crumpin style will probably order only 20,000 more troops to encamp to the region And not the 40-60,000 requested by GENERAL STANLEY McCRYSTAL. But then agin McCRYSTAL is onlee a general and not as smart as El Presidente BLACK MARXIST piece-of-SHIT ‘the OBAMA’!!! Ha. Besides getting jerked on the leash held by monied/convicted fraudster GEORGE SOROS who likes to see the gruntled-pet-monkey-on-his-tether subserviently do his bidding!!! Also SHITFOOK ‘the OBAMA’s mindless MARXIST base of DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS want peace at anee cost even though this will cost more military lives!!! But heh military officers are onlee good for serving appetizers according to President DICKHEAD&HILLARY!!![This is not to say/write.conclude that i think we should be in AFGHANISTAN or maling ‘drone-war’ in PAKHISTAN!] With ‘the OBAMA’s announcement of a smart-ass strategy of less troops for AFGHANISTAN – how long til SHITFOOK’s administration blames awl their foreign police disasters on HILLARY wid her “…asbestos pants-suits” hitched around her neck to introduce new SECRETARY-of-STOOPID DEMBHOLE SENATURD JOHN’the-Fraud’ KERRY!!![For awl youse wannabe-SHITFOOK’s-in-training this has nuthin to do with JOHN’the-Fraud’S 90 DAY SERVICE IN Vietnam but his various calumnies in Boston and his habit of doing coke in a bar at Faneuill Hall and his interesting way of interviewin girls/women for his chocolate chip bizziness and other sordid behaviors besides ‘stealing’ other vets Vietnam war stories and utilizing them for his own gratification/adoration/ridikulusness!!! But then what’s a C- student at Yale to do except go to Suffolk Law and become a legal ass!!!] One of the not so original plans is to buy off the PASHTOONS and other moderate tribespeople!!! Jes like CHCAGO eh??? Like EX-GOV. ROD BLAGO and SENATURD BURRIS – if you can’t convince em that you are a cunning linguist jes BUY EM OFF WITH BRIBES!!! Not since the time of ISKANDRA-of-Macedon has a SHITFOOK this FOOKN STOOPID attempted to subdue the AFGHAN TRIBES with his CHICAGO COMMIE politicks/ways!!! ‘the OBAMA’ in his immenseness with his abilitee as a cunning linguist will conquer this difficult situashun!!! After all this is a “…war of necessity” not some DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAG plan to take over the AUTO INDUSTRY for the UNION’s benefit – Ha. Not ta worree SHITFOOK ‘the OBAMA’ is crumpin in AFGHANISTAN. YEAH THIS IS GONNA WORK OUT AS GOOD AS 'the OBAMA’ bowls.

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